10 Doctor Recommendations for Heart Health

heart health tips

Mikey Heart Health

It sometimes seems like the information in news articles about health recommendations change weekly. Do you find it hard to keep up? Here are just a few recommendations we’ve come across recently:

  • Doctors recommend eating about 25 grams of fibre every day to improve heart health. Are you getting that much?
  • Moderate your intake of alcohol. Guidelines by Health Canada suggest a limit of two drinks per day. How many drinks are you consuming?
  • How many hours of sleep do you get each night? Doctors recommend at least eight hours for optimal heart health. Are you meeting that goal?
  • Doctors say you should exercise at least two and a half hours every week. Are you able to fit that into your weekly routine?
  • When exercising, chose physical activities that you’ll really enjoy. You’ll be more likely to stick with it.
  • Health care practitioners tell us to make exercise a daily habit. Even if you can’t exercise for two and a half hours every week, start small. Even a brisk 20 minute walk can improve heart health.
  • How many of you sit at a desk all day? If you can’t exercise every day, even two 10-minute breaks for a stretch and walk around the office can improve heart health.
  • Always forgetting to take those two 10-minute walks? Even something as simple as consistently taking the stairs versus the elevator or escalator is a great way to add a little bit of exercise into your daily routine.
  • We hear from doctors all the time that strong social support networks help lower the risk of heart disease. Are you making time for friends and family?
  • Did you know laughter is an important factor in relieving stress that can cause heart disease? It’s true! Make it a point to read or watch something every day that makes you laugh without fail.

These are just a few of the recommendations we’ve read about lately. How many doctor’s orders are you following?