GO Hero Uses A MIKEY Defibrillator To Save A Passenger’s Life

Derek Thompson used a Mikey to rescue a man having a cardiac arrest. Photo Credit: JOSH TAPPER/TORONTO STAR
As the GO train pulled in to Union Station, George Koshil, who had been scheduled for coronary artery bypass surgery in late October, collapsed and went into cardiac arrest on Platform 12.
Lucky for him, GO customer service ambassador Derek Thompson was there. After Koshil stopped breathing, Thompson fastened a Mikey (portable Automated External Defibrillator) to Koshil’s chest and hit the button. He then performed CPR before Koshil coughed and started breathing. Paramedics arrived soon after and rushed Koshil to St. Michael’s Hospital.
According to one passenger who contacted GO to commend Derek Thompson,
“The [CSA] appeared to be calm, in control and fully trained for the incident. He used the defibrillator (I think twice) and administered chest compression, as well as mouth to mouth. The last thing I saw was the man breathing. I don’t know if the elderly man survived but high praise to the [CSA] who worked hard in reviving the man. … I am glad to see that the staff at GO transit is fully trained in emergencies and that they care!”
George Koshil is recovering well after surgery.
The MIKEY used was one of 100 Defibrillators placed throughout the GO Transit network as part of the Mikey On the GO program.