The Mikey Network has helped hundreds of people by providing life-saving MIKEY AEDs so they can live their lives knowing help is close by should they need it. Here is what some of them have had to say:

While nearing the finish of the Toronto Half Marathon, I collapsed. … Two paramedics on bicycles arrived carrying a portable AED which had been provided by the Mikey Network. The pads were applied, I was shocked once, My heart started, and I was transported to St Mikes Hospital. I’m so thankful that Mikey AED was available to save my life!

My gym teacher saved my life! I really need to thank him for that. Now knowing I almost died, I’m going to try to live life even fuller.

The [defibrillator] provided by The Mikey Network saved our baby son Archer along with CPR and rescue breaths on the side of the road.

You guys gave us another chance with our son. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

The Mikey Network is our trusted partner in caring for patients with heart rhythm disorders. The Mikey Team understands the needs of the family and of the medical team, and works closely with the Heart Centre at SickKids to ensure that AEDs are available to those in need.

On behalf of the Toronto District School Board I want to express our sincere appreciation to The Mikey Network for your generous donation.
The provision of Automatic External Defibrillators and the associated training for each of our Secondary Schools and our administrative sites will provide reassurance that we are prepared to assist in the event of a cardiac arrest in these buildings.

I am proud to provide the highest recommendation and endorsement of The Mikey Network. Toronto EMS has been involved as a partner with The Mikey Network since its inception and we are proud of the work we have done together to promote the lifesaving benefits of Public Access Defibrillation.
The Mikey Network shows tremendous leadership in its efforts to place AEDs in as many high-risk locations as possible. Generous donations of “MIKEYs” (AEDs) means that [more] sites across the GTA are equipped to respond quickly and efficiently to sudden cardiac arrests – even before emergency services arrive.
The Mikey Network provides a wonderful benefit to our patients through access to AEDs and training. The safety net this gives changes lives.
– Jeffrey Hoffman, Communication and Development Manager, Tim Horton Children’s Foundation
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It gives me great pleasure on behalf of the Council and Residents of the Township of Brock to thank you for the five defibrillators which have been provided for use in the Township of Brock. These additional five defibrillators will be distributed at the Cannington Arena, Beaverton Arena, and one each on the three fire department rescue trucks.
– Larry O’Connor, Mayor, The Township of Brock
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First of all, I would like to thank The Mikey Network for your donation of a defibrillator. The training we received was also exceptional and quite informative.
Again, thank you so much for this opportunity. I know our soccer fields will be much safer since we will have them equipped to help anyone in need.
– Gail & Randy Armstrong, Hillcrest Village Soccer Club
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I wish to express my appreciation to The Mikey Network for your kind donation of a HeartStart defibrillator for our school.
It is wonderful to know that there are organizations such as yours that are illing to help all members of the large community who may need this fife-saving device.
– Mrs. K. Ewing, Principal, Glenburnie School
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We have established a close relationship with The Mikey Network and appreciate and support their efforts in the development of PAD programs. We hope to be an active partner in the upcoming TDSB endeavor.
– Mike Brzozowski, Medical Director, Toronto Cardiac Safe City Public Access Defibrillator Program , Sunnybrook -Olser Centre for Prehospital Care
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I want to thank the Mikey Network so much for providing the defibrillator for my son Alex. This device has given us much more confidence that he can attend camps and participate in many other normal activities that he otherwise would not be able to do.
The training was great and John at Action First Aid who ran the session was wonderful with the kids. We all learned a great deal and we feel much more confident to deal with any potential situations now that we have had the training! Thanks very much! We really appreciate your support.
– Rita Westfall, Mother of Mikey’s Kids Recipient
The Mikey Network has been an awesome organization to work with. Although, thankfully, we have never had the need to use the unit, we feel better knowing it is ready and on hand. The Mikey Network has been great to Camp Can-Aquaa and I would happily recommend their product to others.
– Andrew Martin, Owner-Director of Camp Can-Aqua
I have been a camper at Camp CanAqua for ten years. In 2010, our family donated a MIKEY AED to the camp in memory of Louis Gyori. Knowing the camp is equipped with a MIKEY AED gives everyone a level of comfort.
– Eric Schooley