MIKEY Defibrillators Can Be Found Far and Wide


Many of the MIKEY defibrillators we place can be found in our local community, but for everyone here at The Mikey Network, that’s just the beginning. We would love to see the work we do grow and spread worldwide until AEDs are as commonplace as fire extinguishers.

One of the ways we’re working towards this global goal is through various partnerships with international organizations. Most recently, our friends at York Region Emergency Service generously donated a decommissioned ambulance to Friends of Equador, a non-profit organization that supports grassroots development in Ecuador. The Mikey Network  supplied a MIKEY public access defibrillator to go along with it. This ambulance and MIKEY have been gifted to Hospital Leon Becerra – Guayaquil and will make a great difference in the lives of their patients, both adults and children.

This type of international partnership is just one example of our commitment to placing MIKEYs wherever they are needed.

You can help us with our mission. Visit our donation page today.