Startling Statistic: 40% of Canadians May Be At Risk Of Heart Disease

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A scary statistic has popped up in the news lately regarding Canadians and their heart health:

40% of Canadians may be at a high risk of heart disease, StatsCan report shows

A new report from Statistics Canada shows more than 40 per cent of Canadians may be at an elevated risk of coronary heart disease based on their low Omega-3 fatty acid levels.

The Canadian Health Measures Survey measured red blood cell fatty acid levels in 2012 and 2013. It showed only 2.6 per cent of the population was considered at low risk for coronary heart disease, while 54.6 per cent were at intearmediate risk and 42.7 per cent were at high risk.


Here at The Mikey Network we strive to promote heart healthy lifestyles. Here are five things we can all do to live healthier, and improve heart health.

  1. Enjoy a balanced, nutritious diet, including fish! The Omega-3 fatty acids you get from fish help protect your heart.
  2. Try to get 8 hours of sleep each night.
  3. Limit your intake of salt and caffeine. (No more than the equivalent of four regular cups of coffee per day.)
  4. Exercise regularly, 20 minutes 3-4 times per week, or a minimum of a brisk walk daily.
  5. Have regular check-ups with your physician. Early detection is the key to a successful solution.

These are just a few ways you can keep your heart as strong and healthy as possible.