Aurora Recreational Hockey Player’s Life Saved with A MIKEY!

From left to right: Al Downey, Director of Parks and Recreation Services; Neil Garbe, Chief Administrative Officer; Oliver Koh, Full Time Deck Supervisor; Edwin Jackson; Gregory Peri, Aquatics Programmer; Councillor Michael Thompson; Andrew Recine, Lifeguard and Instructor; Franco De Marco, Acting Youth and Community Development Coordinator
We received the most wonderful news today!
Loriann Ierullo, of the Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex in the Town of Aurora, was kind enough to send us a note describing how Edwin Jackson’s life was saved using a defibrillator donated by The Mikey Network.
Following is Loriann’s note, reprinted with permission:
The Mikey Network saves another life!
51 year old Edwin (Eddie) Jackson was participating in a men’s hockey rental at the Stronach Aurora Recreation Complex in the Town of Aurora on Friday February 21, 2014 at approximately 3:10pm. He skated over to the bench as he was not feeling well. Eddie collapsed down on to his knees and then went unconscious onto the floor. His team mate Stephen McDonald immediately responded with Scott Sheppard. Stephen started compressions and Scott gave direct mouth to mouth ventilations. Both men had been trained in first aid and CPR. Meanwhile another teammate ran for the AED unit donated by the Mikey Network in 2005, located in the lobby and shouted to the receptionist Natasha Garro to call 911.
Town employee’s Greg Peri, Aquatic Programmer and Oliver Koh, Full time Deck Supervisor responded to the commotion and ran to the scene. Upon arrival at the scene Greg noticed one of the first responders struggling to open the AED pads. Greg took over and applied the pads to Eddie’s bare chest. Greg signaled for rescuers to stand clear while the AED analysed. The prompted came back, shock advised. Greg administered the shock and instructed Stephen to continue compressions as he had noticed he was doing a good job. Oliver had run to ensure 911 had been called and to get blankets, a first aid kid and accident reports. Scott gave one more breathe while Greg prepared his gloves and pocket mask and then took over breathing. After about 4 breaths Eddie started breathing on his own, his teammates asked how he was doing but Eddie was unable to respond verbally, but was able to blink to commands.
Eddie was placed in recovery position and covered with blankets to treat for shock. Oliver and Greg took a set of vitals and continued to care for Eddie until paramedics arrived on scene. Other staff; Franco DeMarco and Andrew Racine took witness statements and ensured his teammates were ok as it was evident they were in shock after witnessing the event.
Eddie was taken to South Lake Regional Health Care Centre, operated on the next day, a stint was put into his heart, his medication was adjusted and he was released 3 days post incident. It is important to note that this was Eddie’s third heart attack, his friend and lifesaver Stephen McDonald commented that he hopes Eddie will finally hang up his skates.
Loriann Ierullo
Recreation Supervisor, Aquatic and Fitness
Town of Aurora
Edwin Jackson is the 18th life saved using a defibrillator placed by the Mikey Network.
This is the second time the MIKEY at the Aurora Recreation Complex was put into action. We are so happy it was available and that the true heroes on the scene reacted immediately with their CPR/AED training.
The Mikey Network is committed to placing MIKEYS (public access defibrillators) in as many high-risk locations as possible so people affected by sudden cardiac arrest might have a second chance at life (or a fourth!)
Mr. Jackson’s story illustrates why it is so important to have defibrillators available when and where they are needed. Defibrillators should be as common as fire extinguishers in public.