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This week’s Fitness Post is brought to you by personal trainer Igor Klibanov from Fitness Solutions Plus.


You work out on a regular basis. But your husband or wife or boyfriend or girlfriend doesn’t. What do you do? Here are some strategies:

Call it a “Date”

Say “let’s go on a workout date.” This accomplishes 2 things: you get to spend time together, and you get to improve your body. Oh, and you also get to see your significant other grunting and sweating. Sexy. Or, like my girlfriend, maybe you just get to see your significant other complain about how much they hate exercising. Tough luck. Suck it up. But I digress.

Use Questions to Figure out What’s Holding Them Back

As Dale Carnegie said in his book How to Win Friends and Influence People, if the idea comes from you, it will be rejected. If the idea comes from their own mind, it will be accepted. So here is how you start that conversation:

Ask them “have you ever exercised before?”

If they say “no”, follow it up with “why not?” If they say “yes”, follow it up with “why don’t you exercise now?” Of course, modify this to sound like yourself. Whether they answered yes or no, this usually boils down to a few different reasons:
They think they don’t have time. As one of my favourite clients said “nobody has time. You make time for it.” Barack Obama exercises 6 days a week. If he can do it, why can’t you? They likely have time to watch American Idol, or Dancing With the Stars, or whatever show is “in” right now (sorry, I’m not even sure what shows are on anymore. I haven’t watched TV in 5.5 years). But even so, suggest a 10 minute workout. It’s much easier to wrap your head around 10 minutes than an hour. The hardest part is just starting the workout. Once it’s underway, they’ll feel like doing more.

They don’t know what to do. Great. All the more reason for a workout date. You can teach them. Or if they’re really keen, they can hire a personal trainer, who will customize the workout for them, hold them by the hand, and make it complete not intimidating. I think I know someone like that.

They don’t like it. Maybe they just haven’t done it in a way that they like it. There is not shortage of exercise routines out there. If you don’t like one, move on to the next one, until you find something you do like.

And sometimes, they just have to get around not liking it. It’s simply a necessary part of your health. After all, do you “like” brushing your teeth? Not really. It’s just something you do. The same should go for your exercise.

Here are a few other important questions to ask to get them motivated:

  • If you were to exercise, what would be your goals?
  • Why is that important to you?
  • What’s your current plan to get you there?
  • How does that affect you now?
  • What impact does that have on you?
  • Let’s say 6 months go by and you keep doing what you’re doing, where do you see yourself?
  • Let’s say 6 months go by, and you do exactly what you’re supposed to do, where do you see yourself?
  • What’s standing between you and your goals?

Here is what a typical conversation goes like between us and our clients:

Me: If you were to exercise, what would be your goals?
Client: I would want to lose weight and get toned.

Me: why is that important to you?
Client: I want to look good and feel better about myself.

Me: What’s your current plan to get there?
[USUALLY, there are 2 answers for this]
Client’s answer 1: I don’t have a plan
Client’s answer 2: I’m doing cardio or fitness classes 2-4 times per week, or yoga or name an exercise program.

Me: How’s that working for you?
Client: either it’s not. Or it worked at first, but no longer does. I’ve made some initial progress, but now, I’ve been stuck for the last 5 months or 2 years.

Me: How does that affect you now?
Client: I can’t fit into my clothes and I don’t have the energy levels that I’d like to have.

Me: What impact does that have on you?
Client: I don’t feel attractive, and I can’t do the things that I like to do, like travel or golf, etc.

Me: Let’s say 6 months go by and you keep doing what you’re doing, where do you see yourself?
Client: I’ll still be stuck, or I may be worse off. Even worse energy, even more clothes that don’t fit, etc.

Me: Let’s say 6 months go by, and you do exactly what you’re supposed to do, where do you see yourself?
Client: I’ll be 20 pounds lighter, with better energy levels, and more muscle tone. I’ll be able to wear some clothes that I haven’t been able to wear for 5 years, and get lots more done in my day. I’ll be more attractive and more confident.

Me: What’s standing between you and your goals?
Client: I don’t have time or I don’t know what to do.

As you can see, these questions can be a strong catalyst for change, and would strongly motivate someone to start exercising.

One of our good friends, Rene Grawey, recently took part in a charity golf tournament to raise money for The Mikey Network. Rene is the President of Heathwood Realty Group Limited, one of our very important Mikey Partners.

Rene’s two children donated their own money to their dad’s charity fundraiser. They also included some adorable notes.




With the help of these two awesome kids, Rene and his family are helping The Beat Go On.



On January 25, 2015, a 46 year old security guard went into cardiac arrest at the Toronto Christian Community Church (formerly known as Toronto Chinese Community Church) located at 100 Acadia Ave., in Markham, ON. Fortunately for the victim, the facility was equipped with a MIKEY (defibrillator), and a retired medical doctor who hadn’t practiced for over 20 years, was there to help.

The Dr. used the facility’s MIKEY (AED) to deliver a shock and restore a heart beat. Toronto EMS transported the patient to Scarborough Grace Hospital, where he is now recovering.

We’re so thankful this church had one of our MIKEYs available when it was needed most, and that there was a person willing to help when he was needed most.

The 46 year old man is the 24th life that has been saved using a MIKEY.

photo credit: Michelle Siu / Toronto Star

photo credit: Michelle Siu / Toronto Star

One of our good friends and CPR/AED advocate David Goodman just happened to be in the right place at the right time to help save a life.

Last December, David was driving home when he saw a crowd of people on the sidewalk hovering over a fallen man. He immediately jumped out of his car and took over. He checked the vital signs on the victim of sudden cardiac arrest and began CPR. He continued until Toronto Fire Services arrived and provided an AED for defibrillation.

David is the founder and CEO of Heaven Can Wait Emergency First Aid Training. Heaven Can Wait works to educate and empower the public through the teachings of lifesaving First Aid and CPR skills. David’s organization is one of the associations we work with to provide training on CPR and AED through The Mikey Network.

It wasn’t until weeks after the event that David heard from the victim’s family he had made a full recovery, and that they wanted to meet him. You can read the full story on The Toronto Star: Heaven Can Wait.

David is an amazing man, and now a life-saving hero. We are so proud to be associated with him and his organization.


mikey defibrillators

We often get questions about our MIKEYs – who should use them, when they should be used, how they work, and more. We put together a list of seven things everyone should know about using a MIKEY AED.


Anyone Can Use a MIKEY

You don’t have to be a medical professional to use a MIKEY and save a life! It’s safe and easy for anyone to use.


It’s Not the First Step

When someone experiences sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) in a public place, the most critical actions a bystander can take are to call 9-1-1, and deliver cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to provide blood flow to the heart and brain. One person can do this while another runs to get a nearby MIKEY.


It Doesn’t Always Deliver a Shock

The MIKEY automatically assesses the situation and diagnoses if there are potentially life-threatening heart rhythms. If, and only if, the AED detects a problem that may respond positively to an electric shock, it permits a shock to be delivered to restore a normal heart rhythm.


The MIKEY Will Talk You Through It

The MIKEY gives simple audio instructions designed for ordinary people.  You just open the case and follow the instructions that are delivered through voice prompts. Some MIKEYs automatically provide a shock and some require you to push a button. The MIKEY will tell you when and if you should push the button to deliver a shock.


You Never Need To Worry About Being Sued

Did you know it’s impossible to be sued for using a MIKEY to help someone? Every province has legislation protecting bystanders from lawsuits when they are only trying their best to help someone in an emergency – even if something goes wrong.


It is Easy to Check and Maintain Your MIKEY

It’s easy to make sure your MIKEY defibrillator is properly maintained and ready to save a life should the need arise.  We have prepared a checklist and manual with detailed illustrations, that you should follow every month to make sure your MIKEY remains in working order. Please download this manual and review it every month.


A Mikey Really Can Save a Life!

Using a MIKEY defibrillator can increase a victim’s chance of survival by up to 70%! Hundreds of lives are saved each year through public access defibrillation. In fact, as January 2015, twenty-three people have been Saved By A Mikey!