Toronto East District Masons Donate $12,000 Towards MIKEY Units

L to R: Malcolm Parish, Gerry Newall, Morty Henkle, David J Neave
The members of the Toronto East District Masons presented The Mikey Network with a $12,000 donation to go towards placing three new MIKEYs (defibrillators) in the community.
We are grateful that the Toronto East District Masons chose The Mikey Network as their charity of choice this year. District Deputy Grand Master David J Neave, is a paramedic and knows first hand the importance of making public access defibrillators available.
To help raise funds for this donation, the members held a charity raffle for Toronto Maple Leafs tickets and gift certificates to a local restaurant.
Thank you to all the Masons of Toronto East District for your generous donation, and for your support!