How The Mikey Network Started
The Mikey Network was named for Mike Salem – a partner in Heathwood Homes and Herity. In the summer of 2002, Mike was on a golf course in the beautiful Muskokas. He hit his first shot, drove up to his second and then his heart skipped a beat. Miles away from help, Mike passed away doing what he loved best, playing golf.
Mike was known for his compassion and consideration for his family, friends and colleagues, so we felt that helping others in his memory would be a fitting tribute. In 2003, The Mikey Network was established by Heathwood and Herity in memory of our dear friend and partner. No one knows whether a defibrillator could have helped to save Mike’s life, but in his name, we place MIKEYs in as many public places as possible, so that other cardiac arrest victims may have a second chance.