January Monthly MIKEY Reminder: Check your MIKEY defibrillator

mikey monthly maintenance reminder


Mikey monthly maintenance


Please check your MIKEY defibrillator. This should be done at the beginning of every month to ensure your MIKEY is in working order and ready to save a life should the need arise. Follow our PDF manual on how to do this:

The Mikey Network Monthly Maintenance Manual

Facts about Cardiac Arrest

  • On average, early AED defibrillation before EMS arrival seems to nearly double a victim’s odds of survival after OHCA [out-of-hospital cardiac arrest].
  • For patients in “VF”[ventricular fibrillation], studies show that if early defibrillation is provided within the first minute, the odds are 90 percent that the victim’s life can be saved. After that, the rate of survival drops ten percent with every minute.
  • From 2006-2009 the average EMS response time in the Province of Ontario was 10 minutes and 39 seconds.
  • It is “estimate[d] that currently, 474 lives are saved per year by bystander application of an AED to those who experience an OHCA [out-of-hospital
    cardiac arrest]” in the U.S. and Canada based on a population of 330 million people in those two countries combined.

Please check your Mikey and help save a life!