Mikey Partners


Heathwood HomesHeathwood Homes is a new home builder in the Great Toronto area known for integrity and innovation. Heathwood Homes is dedicated above all to customer satisfaction and has built a reputation brick by brick over the past two decades, enjoying a level of success derived directly from the skills of their people. From their experienced construction personnel to our hands on management team, everyone in the company pursues the highest standards of quality in its many forms. All are consummate professionals, with a pride of workmanship that is reflected in both the design and construction of every new Heathwood Home.



herity-logo-sHerity is a diversified, fully-integrated real estate company, specializing in residential construction and land development. Since its creation in 1977, the Group has been responsible for over 10,000 residential units in the Greater Toronto Area and developed three million square feet of commercial and retail space.

Visit us at herity.com


The Toronto EMS Cardiac Safe City Program is dedicated to saving the lives of those in our community suffering sudden cardiac arrest, through the provision, maintenance and promotion of Public Access Defibrillation programs both in and beyond our city limits.

The Cardiac Safe City model envisions: wherever and whenever a heart stops beating, a lifesaving shock from an AED delivered by trained Targeted Responders or a Good Samaritan is just minutes away.

Visit us at http://www.cardiacsafecity.org/


This web site is an in-depth look at the largest municipal Emergency Medical Service (EMS) in Canada. Toronto EMS is the sole licensee providing ambulance services within the city of Toronto, and provides 24-hour pre-hospital emergency and non-emergency care and transportation to and between hospitals for individuals experiencing injury or illness.

Visit Us at http://www.toronto.ca/ems/


The Healing Mind has gathered a remarkable consortium of the world’s leading experts in mind/body medicine and healing. Under the direction of Dr. Marty Rossman, the organization not only provides information and research but also specific guidance and instruction in how to use the power of one’s mind/body connection for self-healing and relief from stress, high blood pressure, back and neck pain, headaches, anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome and a host of other common chronic conditions.

Visit Us at http://www.thehealingmind.org