The Volunteer firefighters of Pacquet, now have a much needed MIKEY AED

Fire Chief Jodie Matthews with the volunteer fire fighters of Pacquet, Newfoundland and Labrador.
The small costal town of Pacquet, Newfoundland and Labrador is a lot safer now that their volunteer fire department has a new MIKEY defibrillator.
Pacquet is on the east coast of Newfoundland, between White Bay and Notre Dame Bay, and according to to 2016 census, has a population of 164 people.
As you can imagine, small towns like Pacquet, have limited resources and sparse healthcare facilities and emergency services. So when these volunteer firefighters contacted The Mikey Network we were more than happy to provide a MIKEY for their town.
We hope they never have to use it, but we’re glad they have this very important piece of equipment should the need arise.