Without Health Forget Wealth

The more connected we have become, the more disconnected we are. Not just with people but with activity as well.  

From a general perspective: social media, instant gratification, and homebodies are making our western society depressed anxious and stressed at levels we have never seen before. 

Now, why is that? Why has our connected society brought us to a brink of disconnect? 


The complexity of our society

The complexity of our society and the pace of growth is enabling us to lose touch with our “self”. The growth and liquidity of western society have left people wondering more about what the future holds for them. The growth makes people feel the need for instant gratification in life events because that is what technology has conditioned us to do. Growth leaves people anxious, feeling left behind and stressed because of the pace our society has taken.

People are always on the run looking for an opportunity to make a buck in a world full of opportunity, but in a world full of opportunity there is a pool of competition that you need to compete with the reach your goals. 

You may think that because the country you live in has a high happiness rating, the citizens of the country are actually happy. Happiness rating is about the simplicity of life, through human psychology, simplicity mentally drains us. Also in the so called “happiest countries in the world wellbeing does not rise with the increase of wealth, in many cases countries with a lower GDP per capita have a higher life satisfaction rate. 

Think about the price you pay to reach a high standard of living on average. Most people are always going to be sacrificing the present in favor of the future without the fixation on the present. 

Even when you are doing well at something you love that is bringing you the income you still have to work all angles to maintain it, which can actually be harder than building. 

With modern life being a checklist of going to high school getting good grades to go to a university to get more good grades then get a job, have a family, kids, car, home then eventually retire, people, are often asking why do any of that? But it is what society demands. The framework has left many people feeling repetitive, questioning themselves which often leads to a negative mental health status. 


What about our health? 

Without health, forget wealth.

By living in the future, people cause themselves to be anxious and dissatisfied with their lives, which leads to stress, and stress is one of the leading causes of heart disease in the western world. 

In western society, most people favour their long term wealth over the condition of their body. On average people prioritising the numbers in their account will forget about their health until something serious happens. 

Prioritizing your time

What Can You Do? 

Focus on the “NOW” and enjoy the moments you are in, do not look at the finish line as being the happiness you are striving for but look at the journey its self, the accomplishments you are achieving professionally and personally.  Life gets crazy, you will find points where time is strict, but realise the memories you create will last forever, not the new iPhone. Prioritise what translates into lasting meaningfulness over consumable items. 

Money should not be seen as something holding you down to the point you are prioritising it over your health. It is a human construct, necessary to survive; it is nothing but a tool that is exponential. Money comes and goes; memories stay forever. 

Next time you are feeling anxious, depressed or stressed, take a step back and put the situation your in into a macro perspective, nothing lasts forever so try not to jeopardise your hearts safety for a “tool” which is infinite.  Ultimately do not care what others are doing in their lives and feel jealous looking at their Instagram feed, because of its only a waste of time. Set your own goals and objective, write them down, break them down and fulfil them. 

Without health, there’s no wealth.