York Region Children’s Aid Society Receives MIKEY

The YCAS MIKEY, with Amanda Palermo, the Human Resources Coordinator who helped with the set-up and Robert Rupnik, the Director of Corporate Services.
Our friends over at the York Region Children’s Aid Society were very thankful for the donation of a MIKEY defibrillator to their organization.
In a thank you note, they kindly wrote the following:
“This is just a quick note to say thank you to The Mikey Network and all the people that made the donation of the defibrillator to the York Region Children’s Aid Society (YCAS) possible.
The YCAS has many people come to the office for support and service. Having a MIKEY placed in our public reception area provides the added comfort to the many visitors, as well as staff that provide services, who now know there is a defibrillator available should a person have a sudden cardiac arrest.”