Entries by The Mikey Network


Man Saved With A MIKEY (AED) At Oakville Hockey Arena

We’ve been given the amazing news that a 25th life has been saved using a MIKEY (defibrillator)! Last week at Joshua’s Creek Hockey Arena, in Oakville, Ontario, a man approximately 40 years old went into Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA). He was noticed by an employee, who ran and got their MIKEY(AED). The MIKEY delivered a single […]

OCA Raises Over $2000 to Equip Ontario Camps with MIKEYs

The Mikey Network was at this year’s Ontario Camps Association Conference, talking about how MIKEY AEDs can make their camps safer. The OCA is proud to announce that this year they raised over $2000 during their Exhibit Hall Raffle. All of the proceeds are going directly to The Mikey Network to equip camps across Ontario with […]

How Do We Fulfill Our Mikey Mission?

Want to know what The Mikey Network’s Mission is, and how we fulfill it? 1) The Mikey Network works to create public awareness and provide education about heart healthy lifestyles. One of the ways we do this is by providing resources and tips on heart health. For example: Heart Healthy Recipes from Registered Dietician Marsha […]

Guest Post: How to Get Your Significant Other to Start Exercising

This week’s Fitness Post is brought to you by personal trainer Igor Klibanov from Fitness Solutions Plus.   You work out on a regular basis. But your husband or wife or boyfriend or girlfriend doesn’t. What do you do? Here are some strategies: Call it a “Date” Say “let’s go on a workout date.” This […]

Friends of The Mikey Network Helping The Beat Go On

One of our good friends, Rene Grawey, recently took part in a charity golf tournament to raise money for The Mikey Network. Rene is the President of Heathwood Realty Group Limited, one of our very important Mikey Partners. Rene’s two children donated their own money to their dad’s charity fundraiser. They also included some adorable […]