The Latest Mikey Network News


The Halton Regional Police are the proud recipients of four brand new MIKEY AEDs. 1 District Commander Superintendent Chris Perkins was on hand to receive the MIKEYs along with The Mikey Network Executive Director Morty Henkle.

One of the MIKEYs has been installed at the 10 Division Substation in Acton. The other three will act as mobile units. Having these MIKEYs available adds a level of added comfort to the citizens of Halton region. They can be assured that help is on hand should a member of their community experience sudden cardiac arrest.

This is just one more location among the 1700 others where you can find MIKEY automatic external defibrillators. These devices are important to have on hand, so that in the unlikely event of a sudden cardiac arrest, we can help give someone a second chance at life.


Many of the MIKEY defibrillators we place can be found in our local community, but for everyone here at The Mikey Network, that’s just the beginning. We would love to see the work we do grow and spread worldwide until AEDs are as commonplace as fire extinguishers.

One of the ways we’re working towards this global goal is through various partnerships with international organizations. Most recently, our friends at York Region Emergency Service generously donated a decommissioned ambulance to Friends of Equador, a non-profit organization that supports grassroots development in Ecuador. The Mikey Network  supplied a MIKEY public access defibrillator to go along with it. This ambulance and MIKEY have been gifted to Hospital Leon Becerra – Guayaquil and will make a great difference in the lives of their patients, both adults and children.

This type of international partnership is just one example of our commitment to placing MIKEYs wherever they are needed.

You can help us with our mission. Visit our donation page today.

Joshua Creek Hockey Arena

We’ve been given the amazing news that a 25th life has been saved using a MIKEY (defibrillator)!

Last week at Joshua’s Creek Hockey Arena, in Oakville, Ontario, a man approximately 40 years old went into Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA). He was noticed by an employee, who ran and got their MIKEY(AED). The MIKEY delivered a single shock which revived the man.

The Mikey Network donated this defibrillator back in 2007, in memory of a young hockey player who died earlier that year.

We’re so grateful the Joshua’s Creek Hockey Arena employee had the presence of mind to use their MIKEY and give this man a second chance at life.

mikeyocaThe Mikey Network was at this year’s Ontario Camps Association Conference, talking about how MIKEY AEDs can make their camps safer.

The OCA is proud to announce that this year they raised over $2000 during their Exhibit Hall Raffle. All of the proceeds are going directly to The Mikey Network to equip camps across Ontario with MIKEY AEDs.

We want to congratulate Olympia Sports Camp, for winning the raffle for a new MIKEY! 

We also want to thank the Preferred Vendors, who donated a prize, and the delegates for purchasing raffle tickets in support of this great cause!




Want to know what The Mikey Network’s Mission is, and how we fulfill it?

1) The Mikey Network works to create public awareness and provide education about heart healthy lifestyles.

One of the ways we do this is by providing resources and tips on heart health. For example:


2) The Mikey Network is currently committed to placing “MIKEYS” (public access defibrillators) in as many high-risk locations as possible so people affected by sudden cardiac arrest might have a second chance at life.

We do this through various programs:

Mikey on Board

The Mikey On Board Program is an initiative that provides training and places mobile MIKEY defibrillator units in vehicles that travel throughout local communities on a regular basis, including transport and moving companies.

Mikey’s Kids – The Mikey At Home Program

This program allows children who have been diagnosed with a heart disease to go home when they would otherwise have to stay in the hospital. These children would not be able to be discharged from the hospital without receiving a MIKEY defibrillator unit.

The Mikey Young At Heart School Defibrillator Program

The MIKEY’s installed under this program are available to hundreds of high school and continuing education students, their teachers and school staff. The life-saving potential is even greater when you consider that schools form the heart of our communities. MIKEYS also benefit all of the individuals and neighbourhood groups who regularly attend meetings, play sports,vote at their local polling stations, and participate in other special events held on school property.

Mikey On the GO

The Mikey Network partnered with GO Transit and the Toronto EMS Cardiac Safe City program, to help “The Beat Go On” by introducing MIKEY defibrillators across Go Transit’s extensive network, on board GO Trains and at GO stations.

Mikey Cops Are Tops

It is our honour to donate MIKEY defibrillators to the Toronto Police Services, Provincial Courts and Collision Centres, as part of our Mikey Cops Are Tops program.


Through The Mikey Network, the beat goes on.