The Latest Mikey Network News


We saw the most amazing tweets on Twitter this week:

This brave little guy received a MIKEY defibrillator through our Mikey’s Kids program. Through this program, families whose children are at high risk of Sudden Cardiac Arrest are provided with a MIKEY, a portable automated external defibrillator (AED), to carry with them at all times so their kids are protected at home.

With our help, and the help of some great organizations, Archer’s family can rest at ease, knowing that help is close at hand.

mikey donation

From left to right: Irene Fair, Lynn Fair, Dr. Philip Novack, Joan Lloyd, Dr. Sheryl Lipton, Dr. Carolyn Poon Woo, Hank Spencer, Dr. Janice Mummery and Morty Henkle.


The West Toronto Lawn Bowling Club was the 3rd recipient of MIKEY defibrillator thanks to the joint programme between The Mikey Network, Heaven Can Wait Emergency First Aid Training and The Toronto Academy of Dentistry. This partnership helps to place AEDs in the community.

This location was chosen by The Toronto Academy of Dentistry (Toronto West Society) and was generously donated by Heaven Can Wait Emergency First Aid Training. The members of the club will also receive CPR and AED training.

The previous recipients through this joint programme were the Cummer Avenue United Church in North York, Ontario and Ronald McDonald House in Toronto, Ontario. A fourth donation will be announced in the near future.

Mikey Network Chairman Hugh Heron and President Eva Szypulska were on REAL ESTATE TALK SHOW this past weekend. They were interviewed by hosts Erin McCoy and Simon Giannini.

Hugh and Eva talked all about The Mikey Network and our mission to place MIKEY automatic external defibrillators in high-risk public spaces to give those who suffer sudden cardiac arrest a second chance at life. The show aired on Corus radio stations in Toronto, Orillia/Muskoka and South Georgian Bay.

You can give it a listen below.


heaven can wait mikeyLast week The Mikey Network joined Heaven Can Wait Emergency First Aid Training at the Toronto Academy of Dentistry Winter Clinic at the Sheraton Centre in Toronto.

David Goodman, CEO of Heaven Can Wait Emergency First Aid Training, and his assistant Madison Reilly show off a MIKEY defibrillator purchased through a joint programme between the Toronto Academy of Dentistry, Heaven Can Wait Emergency First Aid Training and The Mikey Network.

Through this programme MIKEY defibrillators are purchased and donated to public facilities throughout the GTA, and their staff members trained to use them. The goal is to provide TAD members the means to give a second chance at life to those who suffer sudden cardiac arrest. To date, four MIKEYs have been placed through this program.

Heaven Can Wait works to educate and empower the public through the teachings of lifesaving First Aid and CPR skills.

Zlate Josifouski

Zlate Josifouski with the shirt he was wearing the day a MIKEY saved his life.
Photo Credit: Susie Kockerscheidt

Here’s a cool update on our most recent MIKEY save.

If you recall, back in July of this year, Zlate Josifouski was playing soccer with his teammates at the Aurora Soccer Club when he experienced sudden cardiac arrest. Luckily, there was a MIKEY automatic external defibrillator (AED) on hand, giving him a second chance at life.

Josifouski’s near death experience now has him advocating for public access defibrillators to be placed in more local sports fields. Sports fields are just one of the many public spaces that The Mikey Network has identified as being “high-risk” and in need of AEDs.

From a recent news article in the Aurora Banner:


“I’m grateful for the people and the equipment that saved my life,” [Josifouski] said. “We should have a defibrillator on every field.”

While he understands the units are costly and the logistics of having a permanent and secure spot for the units on public fields would be a challenge, his experience has made him passionate about pursuing the installation of the units where sports are played, inside and out.

In 2015, Josifouski plans to approach other sporting organizations in Newmarket and Aurora as well as the town councils to state his case and push the importance of getting the units.

– from Athlete pushes for defibrillators on more fields in Aurora Banner via

If you believe, like Zlate Josifouski, that more public access defibrillators are necessary, you can make a donation to The Mikey Network today.