Everyday Superfoods
Eating Well, is a great source that informs you on ways that you can eat well on a daily basis. They have shared their top 10 super-foods that anyone can eat on a daily basis!
Berries are a great source of fiber. Essentially, fiber keeps your digestive system and heart healthy.
2. Eggs:
Eggs are very nutritious. Not only do they have protein and give you the energy you need, but they also keep your eyes healthy.
3. Sweet Potatoes:
Yum! Sweet Potatoes keep your eyes, bones, and immune system healthy.
4. Broccoli:
Broccoli is packed with vitamins. It helps with bone health and stimulates your body’s detoxifying enzymes.
To check-out the rest of the Superfoods by Eating well, go to: http://www.eatingwell.com/article/290550/10-everyday-superfoods/
There are plenty of Superfoods that you can eat everyday, to protect your heart-health and overall health. It only takes a few minutes to prepare for a lifetime of good health.