Everything you need to know about our Mikey Programs

The Mikey Network has a number of programs that provide education, training, and of course life-saving MIKEYS in as many high-risk, high-need locations as possible.
Mikey Young At Heart – The School Defibrillator Program
The MIKEY’s installed under this program are available to hundreds of high school and continuing education students, their teachers and school staff. The life-saving potential is even greater when you consider that schools form the heart of our communities. MIKEYS will also benefit all of the individuals and neighbourhood groups who regularly attend meetings, play sports,vote at their local polling stations, and participate in other special events held on school property.
Mikey’s Kids – The Mikey At Home Program
The Mikey Network has developed the Mikey’s Kids – Mikey at Home Program to allow children who have been diagnosed with a heart disease to go home when they would otherwise have to stay in the hospital. These children would not be able to be discharged from the hospital without receiving a MIKEY defibrillator unit.
Mikey On Board
The Mikey On Board Program is an initiative that provides training and places mobile MIKEY defibrillator units in vehicles that travel throughout local communities on a regular basis, including transport and moving companies. In early 2012, this program was launched with TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® CANADA to place MIKEYs on all of the company’s moving trucks, and to train the drivers and movers in their use.
Mikey On the GO
GO Transit carries thousands of passengers each day, and having easy-to-access defibrillators on board is another way GO is putting the safety of its passengers first. GO was the first transit system in the Greater Toronto Area to equip its vehicles and facilities with MIKEY defibrillators.
Mikey Cops Are Tops
The Mikey Network is proud to help the brave men and women of the Toronto Police Service by offering a second chance at life to those who experience sudden cardiac arrest. No one knows better than police officers how quickly the unexpected can happen, and how fleeting life can be when it does.
Mikey Goes To Camp
Sending your kids to camp is an annual experience for many Canadian parents. At the same time they can’t help but worry about them being away – often out in a rather remote location – and how long it might take an ambulance to arrive if a medical emergency should happen. Now, everyone at camp can feel more comfortable knowing that a MIKEY defibrillator is close at hand.