Everyone wants to keep their heart as strong and healthy as possible. Here are ten things we can all do to live healthier, and improve heart health.
DO NOT SMOKE: if you have never smoked, don’t start. If you do smoke, quit. You will increase your life by 5 years for every year you are smoke free.
- Enjoy a balanced, nutritious diet. Limit fat intake to between 15% and 30% of your total number of daily calories.
- Exercise regularly, 20 minutes 3-4 times per week, or a minimum of a brisk walk daily.
- Moderate your intake of alcohol. Guidelines by Health Canada suggest limits of two drinks per day…either 12 oz. Beer, or 5 oz. Wine or 1.5 oz. Spirits.
- Limit your intake of salt and caffeine. (No more than the equivalent of four regular cups of coffee per day.)
- Try to get 8 hours of sleep each night.
- Have regular check-ups with your physician. Early detection is the key to a successful solution.
- Keep a positive attitude and wear a smile… it takes only 22 muscles to smile, but 37 to frown.
- Make time for leisure activities such as reading, hobbies, sports, TV etc.
- Invest in CPR and AED education and training, and encourage your family and friends to do the same.
Eating “heart healthy” does not have to mean bland or boring. Try some yummy heart healthy recipes, from our resident expert, Marsha Rosen, RD.