Entries by The Mikey Network

Husband saves wife with their MIKEY AED

We received the incredible news that one of the MIKEYs (AEDs) we placed was used to save a life! In this case the husband of a woman with a serious heart condition was told about The Mikey Network by a friend. They felt it would be a good idea to have a MIKEY and we […]

How commuting to work affects our health

Commuting to work is part of everyday life for most of us. Have you ever “zoned out” on your commute and you arrived at your destination? This is because you are tired physically and mentally, and your brain needs a break. So it does this during the most repetitive portion of your day… your commute. […]


Senior athlete’s life saved by a MIKEY!

We’ve just heard the amazing news that another life has been saved using a MIKEY (AED) that we placed.  This MIKEY was given to the Scarborough Seniors Slow-pitch baseball league back 2012. We were informed that the defibrillator was used on July 23 to save a 63 year old gentleman suffering cardiac arrest. We will […]

Without Health Forget Wealth

The more connected we have become, the more disconnected we are. Not just with people but with activity as well.   From a general perspective: social media, instant gratification, and homebodies are making our western society depressed anxious and stressed at levels we have never seen before.  Now, why is that? Why has our connected society […]

Canadian Summer Health Hazards

Cold weather (under 20c) represents about 75% of our Canadian years. The cold typically starts around the middle of September and can run until mid-June, with not much spring or fall.  November to February is where it is particularly cold, and Canadians consistently have waves of -20c (except the BC lower mainland). No wonder when […]