Entries by The Mikey Network

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Here are 3 superfoods you should have everyday

Eating Well, is a great source that informs you on ways that you can eat well on a daily basis. They have shared their top 10 super-foods that anyone can eat on a daily basis! 1.Berries: Berries are a great source of fiber. Essentially, fiber keeps your digestive system and heart healthy. 2. Eggs: Eggs are […]

Some heart health tips to consider

Move your body Ensure you’re always moving! Consider going for a stroll during your lunch break or exercises in your spare time. Know your numbers Visiting your doctor and checking your vitals is important for your heart-health. Schedule regular check-ups with your doctor. Eat chocolate Eaten in moderation, dark chocolate can actually be good for […]


Here’s how to eat healthy on a budget

It’s easy to become overwhelmed by healthy eating, but your overall health will benefit if you can stick with healthy basics during this trying time. That means filling half your plate with vegetables and fruit, a quarter with protein-rich foods, and a quarter with whole grains, as described by Canada’s Food Guide. Preparing meals can seem […]


Spring/Summer Heart Health Recipe

With the summer season upon us, it means that many Canadians will be taking full advantage of the outdoors. Summer allows us to enjoy activities that we wouldn’t normally have the ability to do the rest of the year as the environment is often too cold. For these reasons, Canadians tend to gravitate towards BBQing and eating outdoors […]