We sometimes feel that in order to be healthy, we need to cook up a storm of healthier concoctions. This doesn’t have to be the case.

Here are  5 superfoods that barely need any preparation or time – just your time in the grocery store.

1. Blueberries: A few blueberries in the morning can do wonders for your heart. Blueberries are high in fiber, which ultimately helps lower cholesterol, maintain a healthy sugar level, and lowers blood pressure. In our opinion, that’s a triple win situation for your heart-health!2. Apples: ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’ is a true saying! Apples are not only delicious but they are packed with healthy nutrients. They can help lower cholesterol, maintain healthy blood sugar levels, and will lower your risk of cancer and heart disease.

3. Broccoli: As much as you may want melted cheese on it to get rid of that icky taste, it actually has many health benefits. Here’s the good thing about broccoli- you can eat it in three ways, boiled, sautéed, and raw. Whichever way you choose to eat it, it is high in fiber and helps strengthen your immune system, bones, and eyes. It’s nutrients can also help fight certain cancers.

4. Avocado: You can eat avocado in any which way you like and it’s just a simply delicious fruit! Just throw on a bit of salt and pepper and you’re good to go! Avocados are packed with healthy fats and nutrients, which ultimately helps stabilize your blood sugar and lowers cholesterol. This will help prevent heart disease, stroke, circulatory disease, and high blood pressure.

5. Coffee: Last but not least, a good ol’ cup of Joe! Studies show that 4 cups of coffee a day can decrease the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes! Although, it is important to remember to drink in moderation- too much caffeine can increase the risk of developing high blood pressure. This is why it is important to drink coffee during the day compared to the night to prevent health issues and eliminate it from your system before bed. You also want to consider decaf.

Now that you know these  5 super-foods, all you have to do is pop into a grocery store, buy a few items, and you’re good to go! Being healthy doesn’t have to be difficult.- There are many ways to be healthy which don’t include much time or effort.



Heart disease is not only the #1 contributor to premature death in men, but is also the #1 contributor to premature death in women. In light of International Women’s Day, we wanted to share some tips and resources on how to improve your heart-health.

1. Being Active

Doing any kind of physical activity, whether it be walking, swimming or running is good for your heart. Doctors recommend at least  30 minutes of physical activity each day to help reduce the risk of heart disease. Exercise helps to lower blood pressure, which overall helps reduce your risk.

2. Sleep

The recommended sleep per night is  7 to 8 hours. When you receive proper sleep, it gives your body the ability to slow down your blood pressure and heart rate. If you don’t sleep enough, your body constantly produces adrenaline and stress hormones, which keep you awake. That means your blood pressure and heart rate doesn’t slow down as much as it should, and that hurts your heart.

3. Healthy Eating

Eating healthy is essential to having a healthy heart. When you reduce foods with trans fats and replace it healthier food options it aids into a healthier heart.  Fortunately, we have many heart-healthy recipes that you can use towards developing a heart-healthy diet.


Heart And Stroke Foundation

They have many great resources on what to look out for and how to improve your health.


They’re a wonderful resource for learning about and trying new exercises or sports. They not only have great resources for adults, but also for kids on what you can do to stay fit throughout the year.

Each year The Mikey Network awards a scholarship grant for students at the Ryerson University School of Nutrition, to recognize academic excellence and the promotion of nutrition to prevent chronic heart disease.

We would like to congratulate Sarah Muncaster and Adalia Yang (not present in the photo) for being this years Mikey Network Award recipients!

Each of the students was asked what this award meant to them. Here is what they had to say:

“I’m honoured to receive the Mikey Network Award in acknowledgment of my passion for promoting nutrition to help prevent chronic disease. Its awards like this that can help students focus on their true passions and work towards making a real impact in the field of Nutrition. I can’t thank the Mikey Network enough for this gift!”

-Sarah Muncaster

“I am very grateful to have been considered and granted this award and would like to deeply thank the donors for their generosity and support of Ryerson students with this scholarship. It truly means a lot to receive this encouragement and backing.”

Adalia Yang

Congratulations, Sarah and Adalia! We hope that this award provides motivation, encouragement, and is one of the first steps in helping you to make the world a healthier place!

Last week was World Restart a Heart day which aimed to bring attention to CPR training and how to use a defibrillator in an emergency situation. When using either of these techniques the odds of a life being saved are greatly increased, which is why it’s so important for people around the world to know how to use and operate an AED and how to properly perform CPR.

Along with knowing how to use a defibrillator, it’s also hugely important that you know how to maintain and check if it’s working.

It is easy to make sure a defibrillator like our MIKEY’s are properly maintained and ready to save a life should the need arise.

We’ve made some short videos showing you how to check and where to find the expiration dates on MIKEY defibrillators.

We have also prepared a checklist and manual with detailed illustrations, that you should follow every month to make sure your MIKEY remains in working order.

Please download the manual and checklist here

Monthly maintenance check for Philips FRx MIKEY Defibrillator



Monthly maintenance check for your MIKEY Philips HeartStart defibrillator



Monthly maintenance for Physio-control (formerly Medtronic) MIKEY Defibrillator



For your convenience, here are the manufacturer manuals as well.

Phillips HeartStart OnSite Defibrillator

When a low battery is detected, the unit will start chirping and the status indicator will change from the ready for use state.

Download Self-Tests and Troubleshooting

Download Owner’s Manual


Physio-Control Lifepak CRPlus Defibrillator

The device monitors itself, including the battery system, and indicates its status on the readiness display. Periodically, you should look at the readiness display and confirm that OK is displayed, which means the device is ready to use.

Download Operating Instructions

Download LIFEPAK CR Plus Defibrillator User’s Checklist

Contact Information if replacement parts are indicated:

Contact: The Mikey Network
Phone #: 416-494-2230

Battery: Part # M5070A $135.00
SMART PadsII Cartridge: Part # 989803139261 $62.00
Infant/Child Key: Part # 989803139311 $98.00

HeartStart OnSite
Battery: Part # M5070A $135.00
Adult SMART Pads Cartridge: Part # M5071A $58.00
Infant/Child Smart Pads Cartridge: Part # M5072A $95.00


Physio-Control (formerly Medtronic)
Contact: Workplace Medical Corp. First Aid Training
Toll Free: 1-800-205-3278

Lifepak CRPlus 
Adult Charge-Pak/2 Electrodes: Part # 11403-000001 $115.00
Infant/Child Reduced Energy Electrodes: Part # 11101-000016 $110.00

Major credit cards accepted. Please advise the distributor that you are a member of The Mikey Network for special pricing.
The product will be shipped directly to you.

Please be aware a Mikey Ambassador may request to visit your location & inspect the MIKEY unit. Our Mikey Ambassadors are volunteers who donate their time to ensure our units are always ready in case of an emergency.

If you have questions about your defibrillator please feel free to reach out to our team and we will work with you to answer your questions.


This past weekend Mustard Seed Racing and Tarpin Lumber raised money for The Mikey Network at an action-packed race at Sunset International Speedway.

The money was raised from a 50/50 fundraiser. Members of the race team sold tickets to race spectators and half the money went to the raffle winner, and the other half went to The Mikey Network. In total over $1200 dollars was raised for the Mikey Network, which will go towards buying an AED for a family or organization in need.

We want to say a huge thank you to all of the great people at Tarpin Lumber and Mustard Seed Racing for their ongoing support. We hope to continue enjoying these action-packed weekends with such great supporters and friends.