The Latest Mikey Network News


Our President Eva Naumovski was recently on NewsTalk 1010’s Tech Talk with Marc Saltzman discussing The Mikey Network’s mission and our brand new Mikey Young At Heart App.

Eva talked about how we’re engaging students in learning basic AED skills. The app has various courses that teenagers complete to gain the community service hours they need to graduate high school in Ontario.

Eva also talked about the 1800 MIKEY defibrillators we have placed in the community, as well as the 27 lives that have been Saved By A Mikey, including five who were saved in schools. She discussed the fact that when it comes to cardiac arrest, time is of the essence. EMS takes an average of eight minutes to arrive at a call, but sufferers lose 10% of their brain function every minute they are in cardiac arrest. That’s why making MIKEYs publicly accessible is so important.

You can listen to the interview below at the 12:00 minute mark.

2015 Canada's 911 Ride

Each year, the Canada 911 Foundation holds an annual motorcycle ride, Canada’s 911 Ride. This amazing two-day ride took place last week and went amazingly well with lots of fun, tears, and roaring noise.

The event’s route went through Niagara Falls, Niagara-On-The-Lake, Grimsby and wine country. The ride was very picturesque with lots of winding roads which was great for the bikers. The best part was the police escort along the Don Valley, Gardener Expressway, QEW, and the 407. It was quite the sight!

The Mikey Network donated 4 MIKEY AEDs along the way. The first went to The Central Community Church in St. Catharines. The second was donated in memory of fallen officer Joseph Mellen from Niagara Region. The third and fourth went to the Niagara Parks Commission for placement in the Niagara Region. All recipients were very grateful to receive their MIKEYS. They now have peace of mind that should a sudden cardiac arrest event occur among one of their community members, help is close at hand for a second chance at life.

In the eight years we have participated in the Canada’s 911 Ride, we have been able to provide close to 100 MIKEY AEDs through donations totaling almost $200,000. Canada’s 911 ride said they greatly appreciate all that we have done for them over the years.

The 911 Ride has grown substantially since they started. They now have an East Coast ride through New Brunswick and next year the ride will be in Halifax. They are even talking about organizing a ride in Edmonton in two years.

We hope to see you all again next year!

mikeys kids madeleine

Madeleine is one of our Mikey’s Kids and she takes her MIKEY defibrillator with her everywhere, even to school and on family vacations.

The Mikey’s Kids program provides families whose children are at high risk of Sudden Cardiac Arrest with a MIKEY, a portable automated external defibrillator (AED), to carry with them at all times so their kids are protected at home, school or play.

Madeleine’s family was generous enough to share these pictures of their family vacations and of her first day of school. The Mikey Network arranged for Madeleine’s teachers and school staff to receive training on how to use a MIKEY defibrillator. We couldn’t be happier to know that Madeleine will be in good hands should the need arise.

Congratulations on your first day of Kindergarten Madeleine!

Exciting news! CTV featured The Mikey Network and our new Mikey Young At Heart app on their Health News segment this week.

Reporter Pauline Chan talked to a group of students at Clarkson Secondary School in Peel about the app and it’s possibilities.

Using short, educational videos and quizzes, this app not only teaches students life-saving CPR and AED skills, but helps them earn the volunteers hours they need to graduate.

The Mikey Young At Heart app is available on iTunes, the Google Play store, or online.

You can view the video here on the CTV news website.

pauline chan mikey app








We want to say thank you to all the lovely students who helped us out on their summer break. They were real stars!

The Mikey Network was recently thanked by the Peel Children’s Safety Village for donating a MIKEY defibrillator to their organization.

On hand to receive it were Jennifer Robertson, Administrator, Peel Children’s Safety Village; Brad Bowie, Community Relations Officer, Peel Regional Paramedic Services; Morty Henkle, Executive Director, The Mikey Network; Sgt. Heather Andrews, Peel Region Police Department.

The Peel Children’s Safety Village is an educational centre designed for students between Grades 1-3. The students learn rules of the road through a miniature town with model buildings, traffic lights, a railway crossing and a school bus. The Peel Children’s Safety Village gives students an opportunity to learn road safety from uniformed police officers in a fun and safe environment.

Everyone here at The Mikey Network is touched by their thanks. We’re pleased to know there is one more MIKEY in the community ready to provide a second chance at life should the need arise.