The Latest Mikey Network News

2014 Mikey Network Award recipients

Robyn Nagel (left) is congratulated by Irit Salem, Director, The Mikey Network.

Congratulations to Robyn Nagel and Kerry Miller, the 2014 Mikey Network Award recipients at the Ryerson University School of Nutrition.

The Mikey Network Awards are presented annually to students in the Nutrition and Food program at Ryerson University, and were established by The Mikey Network to provide financial assistance and recognize academic excellence and a commitment to the promotion of nutrition to prevent chronic heart diseases.

The awards were presented at the 2014 School of Nutrition Awards Ceremony on  Wednesday, November 12th 2014.



Today The Mikey Network was honoured to participate in CPR Training Day at Cardinal Leger SS, in Brampton, ON. Every year, the students at Cardinal Leger receive CPR training from Peel Regional Paramedic Service (PRPS). We think that’s an amazing initiative and when we were invited to participate in this year’s program we jumped at the chance.

We’re already huge fans of the Peel Regional Paramedic Service from working with them on our Mikey Young At Heart Peel program. Brad Bowie and his team from PRPS, along with Principal Lee-Ann O’Leary, and Lorna Connoy, and their team from Cardinal Leger SS, did an amazing job making the training fun and educational for the students! Breakfast Television was there too so the message of Hands Only CPR and the importance of having MIKEYs (AEDs) available in a cardiac emergency, got spread far and wide. Not a bad morning!

The thought of of hundreds of students with CPR training, out in their community prepared to act in a cardiac emergency, just warms our hearts.


CPR training

Cardinal Leger SS students receiving CPR Training as the school band plays “Stayin’ Alive”


The Mikey Network on Breakfast Television

Mikey Network President Eva Szypulska, talks with Kevin Frankish, from Breakfast Television

Even “Louie the Lancer” got CPR training today

Even “Louie the Lancer” got CPR training today

CPR Training

Principal Lee-Ann O’Leary reads a letter from Premier Kathleen Wynn

Premier Kathleen Wynne's letter commending Cardinal Leger's Annual CPR Day

Premier Kathleen Wynne’s letter commending Cardinal Leger’s Annual CPR Day

mikey network donation

L to R: Malcolm Parish, Gerry Newall, Morty Henkle, David J Neave

We want to say thank you to the members of the Toronto East District Masons for their generous donations to place more MIKEY defibrillators in our community. To date, they’ve donated a total of $24,000. This has allowed us to place six more MIKEYs since their original donation, bringing the total number of MIKEYs placed to twelve!

We are grateful that the Toronto East District Masons chose The Mikey Network as their charity of choice this year. District Deputy Grand Master David J Neave, is a paramedic and knows first hand the importance of making public access defibrillators available.

Thank you to all the Masons of Toronto East District for your generous donations, and for your support!

Mikey Otterburn Fire Department

The Mikey Network and Canada’s 911 Ride Foundation are honoured to present a lifesaving “MIKEY” defibrillator to the Otterburn Park (Quebec) Fire Department in memory of Ornge First Officer Jacques Dupuy.

Accepting are (l to r) Division Chief Steve Cervantes, Fire Chief John Thompson, Jade, Josee, and Gianni Dupuy, and Mayor Jean Marc Fortin.

The defibrillator will be stored at the fire department. It’s primary use will be on the vehicle that responds to boating incidents during the summer, and will be transferred to a first responder unit in the winter. Last summer the Otterburn Fire Department answered a call for a heart attack victim on a boat. Since they have just one defibrillator, the second one will come in very handy. This is just one more location that will help give victims of Sudden Cardiac Arrest another chance at life!

mikey-cpr-demonstrationA young member of Team Mikey is looking to make a difference in his community.

Daniel Kwon is starting up a First Aid club at his school, to help make students, teachers and staff feel just that much safer.

“Last year, my school had to call an ambulance three times in the span of three days because of injuries, ” Kwon said. “And that gave me the idea for the first aid club. I’m in a Scouts Canada program called MedVents; through that I met a bunch of people and we talked about starting up the First Aid clubs at our schools, which is what motivated me to try to get one started.  So far, only one of us has successfully started one. I’m still in the process of starting up the club. I’ve found a teacher sponsor, and now have to give the office a proposal so they can approve it.”

We would like to congratulate Daniel for taking the initiative to help make his school a safer place. Best of luck to all your future efforts, Daniel!