Entries by The Mikey Network

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Participate in “Eat Smart” month

During winter, it can be very easy to have an unhealthy diet. We tend to indulge ourselves with a variety of comfort foods; especially during holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving. Although usually delicious, this type of diet isn’t particularly heart-healthy, leading many of us to gain weight and dread about ways that we can lose it. Following […]


Final week of #SHOWANAED promotion

We have already received many entries for our #SHOWANAED promotion and we would like to thank everyone who has posted a photo.  Every submission has helped create awareness for these life-saving devices. We encourage everyone to keep on posting photos! We still have one week remaining and with every entry you have a chance to […]


The Martin’s have succeeded, with the help of The Mikey Network.

We’re proud to share the amazing news that the Martin family have succeeded in their goal to get AED’s placed in every public school in the Ottawa-Carleton area! In February of 2017, while playing with friends at recess, Griffin Martin suffered a sudden cardiac arrest. Staff jumped into action immediately, but unfortunately, they nor the […]