Entries by The Mikey Network


Some habits to keep in mind during the summer months

When the sun is shining, there are two paths a person can do down — one of letting loose or one of exercising and enjoying the outdoors. So how do you stay healthy during the summer? Stress less  Take some time after work to decompress outside and soak up the vitamin D. You will feel […]


Eating healthy on a budget

It’s easy to become overwhelmed by healthy eating, but your overall health will benefit if you can stick with healthy basics during this trying time. That means filling half your plate with vegetables and fruit, a quarter with protein-rich foods, and a quarter with whole grains, as described by Canada’s Food Guide. Preparing meals can seem […]


A few healthy habits to keep in mind during summer

When the sun is shining, there are two paths a person can do down — one of letting loose or one of exercising and enjoying the outdoors. So how do you stay healthy during the summer? Stress less  Take some time after work to decompress outside and soak up the vitamin D. You will feel […]


Here are some tips to keep a healthier diet

We always want you to feel and be your best self, therefore, keeping a healthy diet is really important. According to an article published by Healthline: “A diet rich in fruits and vegetables has been scientifically proven to provide numerous health benefits, such as reducing your risk of several chronic diseases and keeping your body healthy.” […]