The Latest Mikey Network News

Mikey NetworkConstable Andrew Rosbrook (second from right) suffered sudden cardiac arrest while running the Toronto Half Marathon in May 2013. He was saved by fellow runner/Toronto Police Detective Constable Laurie McCann, a doctor and two paramedics using a MIKEY defibrillator.  Prior to the 2013 National Police Officers ‘Run To Remember’, on Sept. 26/13, from Toronto to Ottawa, Andrew and Laurie connected with Mikey Network Chairman and President of Heathwood Homes Hugh Heron (at right) and Executive Director Morty Henkle. (Photo: Nicola Betts)

Nearly five months after suffering sudden cardiac arrest during Toronto’s Half Marathon, Toronto Police Constable Andrew Rosbrook is on a team of over 250 law enforcement professionals participating in the National Peace Officers’ Memorial ‘Run To Remember’ which started today.

His commitment to run his 4th relay, is in part because of a MIKEY defibrillator.

The 460 km ‘Run to Remember’ started at 9am from the Ontario Police Memorial site at Queens Park in Toronto. The three-day relay ends in Ottawa where the annual Police and Peace Officers’ Memorial Service happens on Parliament Hill.

In May, 2013, as Rosbrook was about to finish his race, he collapsed with no sign of breathing or heartbeat. In seconds, Det. Const. Laurie McCann with an off-duty doctor and a paramedic trainee performed CPR until paramedics arrived with a portable MIKEY.

After being shocked once, Rosbrook’s heart began beating.  He was then taken by ambulance to Toronto’s St. Michael’s Hospital where a stent was placed in his left descending artery which had become completely blocked. Three days later he was released, and a month later he was running again.

Said Mikey Network Chairman Hugh Heron, “Const. Rosbrook is our 16th save. His miraculous recovery has allowed him to participate in a sport that he loves, and is true testimony to his second chance at life.”


Toronto Police Const. Andrew Rosbrook (l) and Mikey Network Chairman and President of Heathwood Homes Hugh Heron believe defibrillators should be as accessible as fire extinguishers.  While running the Toronto Half Marathon in May 2013, Const. Rosbrook was saved following sudden cardiac arrest by a team using a MIKEY defibrillator. (Photo: Nicola Betts)

In a recent Facebook post Rosbrook said, “I am doing this run not only to give thanks to fallen officers and support their families, but to illustrate and highlight the awesome benefit of AED’s, the crucial role MIKEY played in my survival and recovery and my hope that one day they’ll be as commonplace in our society as fire extinguishers.”

Rosbrook will be participating in the relay with Const.  McCann, now a good friend, who helped save his life five months ago.

mikey defibrillator donation

Michelle Tucker, Recreational Program Director of Gymnastics Energy with Cotie Drinkwater, Owner and General Manager of TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® Niagara Region and Morty Henkle, Executive Director of The Mikey Network

We’re pleased to announce that one more MIKEY has been placed in a public space.

Michelle Tucker, Recreational Program Director of Gymnastics Energy in St. Catharines ON accepted a MIKEY donated by Cotie Drinkwater, Owner and General Manager of TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® Niagara Region.

Cotie Drinkwater and TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® Niagara Region are our valued partner in the Mikey on Board Program.

We’re so please to see more MIKEYs being placed where the public is most in need of them. Defibrillators should be as common as fire extinguishers and available in all public places.

Thank you to Cotie Drinkwater and TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® Niagara Region for their generous donation.

toronto police officer saved with defibrillator

Const. Andrew Rosbrook (R), and Det. Const. Laurie McCann (L), who helped save his life.

We just received some amazing news that we have to share. Tonight on The Mikey Network Facebook page, Officer Andrew Rosbrook, left this note telling his story.  Andrew’s story starts rough, but ends in the best, most inspirational way.

Just 5 months after collapsing from Sudden Cardiac Arrest at the Toronto Half Marathon, Andrew will be running in the National Peace Officers’ Memorial Run, from Toronto to Ottawa. He expects to run between 80 and 100 kilometres!

Here is Andrew’s story in his words:

” On May 5th, 2013, while nearing the finish of the Toronto Half Marathon, I collapsed. Within seconds, a police officer, two off duty doctors and a trainee paramedic were on scene. They rolled me over and realized I did not have a pulse and was not breathing. For close to seven minutes they performed CPR and AR on me.

Twice they thought they could feel a pulse and twice they realized that my heart was not pumping on its own. Two paramedics on bicycles arrived carrying a portable AED which had been provided by the Mikey Network. The pads were applied and I was shocked once. My heart started and I was transported to St Mikes Hospital where a stent was introduced to my left descending artery, which had become completely blocked.

After three days I was released from hospital and within a month I was running again. As an avid and experienced competitive runner, it would have been unimaginable for me not to run.

On September 26 (Five months after my cardiac arrest) I will be part of a team of 250 police officers and law enforcement professionals running from Toronto to Ottawa to honour those officers who have given their lives in the line of duty. We shall arrive in Ottawa on September 28. I expect to run somewhere in the region of 80 to 100 kilometres in the three day period.

I am doing this run not only to give thanks to fallen officers and support their families, but also to illustrate and highlight the awesome benefit of AED’s, the crucial role they played in my survival and recovery and my hope that one day they will be as commonplace in our society as fire extinguishers.

I have included the link for the National Peace Officers’ Memorial Run, which has a Toronto Star article about my collapse. If you see us running through the streets of Toronto or Ottawa or along Highway 2, pause for a moment and give us a cheer. Oh and I apologize if you are the one stuck behind us in traffic.

As a very poignant footnote, the police officer who helped save me, Laurie McCann, has become a very good friend and running partner of mine and will be running with me to Ottawa. “

We know you will join us in supporting Andrew as he runs in the National Peace Officers’ Memorial Run. His story is an inspiration to all of here at The Mikey Network.

Each year, the Canada 911 Foundation holds an annual motorcycle ride, Canada’s 911 Ride. This was the 7th year for this amazing two-day event, which took place August 17 and 18, travelling through South Western Ontario.

This year the Canada 911 Foundation raised $20,000 for the Mikey Network as their charity of choice. Since 2006, the Canada’s 911 Foundation has raised $200,000 for The Mikey Network! We can’t thank them enough for their generosity and support.

Along the route, we were pleased to be able to present some MIKEYs

Through the Canada 911 foundation, we presented Bruce Farr, Acting VP Paramedic Operations at Ornge, with 4 MIKEYs in memory of four Ornge employees fallen in the line of duty. We asked the families to choose a public area in which to place the defibrillators, in memory of their family member.

Mikey Network at Canada 911 Ride
Next, the ride stopped in Stratford, Ontario. Morty Henkle, Director of The Mikey Network, and Dan Lawrence, Founder of Canada’s 911 Ride, presented a MIKEY to the City of Stratford. Councillor Karen Smythe accepted on behalf of the city.

Mikey Network at Canada 911 Ride

From there, the ride went to Guelph.  Thanks to a donation from Nestle Waters, we were able to present two MIKEYs. One went to the Puslinch Police department. Fire Chief Robert Gordon of Puslinch Ontario, TPS Staff Inspector Dave Marks and John Challinor II, Director of Corporate Affairs Nestle Waters, accepted on their behalf. Next, the ride went to went to the Guelph Police Station where the second MIKEY was presented to the Guelph Police Chief Bryan Larkin.

Mikey Network at Canada 911 Ride


Gloria Kovach., mother of Jennifer Kovich, accepted a MIKEY in memory of her daughter Jennifer, a fallen officer.

Mikey Network at Canada 911 Ride
G4force Security Company has placed three MIKEYs in memory of three fellow security guards fallen in the line of duty. Rob Murray, Jay Bowser, Matthew Schuman of G4orce Security accepted in their honour.

Mikey Network at Canada 911 Ride

You can see more pictures on the Canada’s 911 Facebook page.

CTV News in Kitchener ran some nice coverage of the event too. Watch that here.

Mikey Network Niagara Movers

TWO MEN AND A TRUCK St. Catharines–Niagara Franchisee Cotie Drinkwater displays one of their Mikey defibrillators, as his team looks on.

TWO MEN AND A TRUCK moving trucks are first in the St. Catharines – Niagara region in Ontario, to be equipped with Mikey defibrillators as part of the Mikey On Board program.

Franchise Owner Cotie Drinkwater demonstrated how a MIKEY installed in all their moving trucks, saves lives.

Working with Emergency Medical Services, all TWO MEN AND A TRUCK Canadian franchisees, their drivers and staff are trained to use a MIKEY. Having MIKEYs on TWO MEN AND A TRUCK vehicles increases the chances of making one accessible when the unexpected happens.

Said  Chuck Resnick,  Vice President, Operations, TWO MEN AND A TRUCK – CANADA, “We hope we never have to use these Mikeys, but when you consider the physical nature of moving, it makes sense to have defibrillators on our trucks, in case our movers or families involved in a move have a problem. And, there is always the possibility of someone going into sudden cardiac arrest walking down the street, or perhaps being in a car accident.  So with our trucks on the road, we are now in a position to be able to respond should someone need help.”

Mikey Network Chairman and President of Heathwood Homes, Hugh Heron added, “These moving trucks with their EMS-trained personnel circulate throughout their communities every day and by carrying a MIKEY, they carry a second chance at life for people who might be affected by sudden cardiac arrest. This program is a tremendous venture and for TWO MEN AND A TRUCK in Canada, it’s a moving industry first.

Heron added, “We challenge other companies with vehicles on the road to follow suit and install MIKEYs and have their staff trained in CPR/AED.”