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This week’s Fitness Post is brought to you by personal trainer Igor Klibanov from Fitness Solutions Plus.

If you perform resistance training (AKA strength training, weight training, etc.) on a regular basis, chances are that you organize your workouts in one of two ways:

1.     You do straight sets. In other words, you do an exercise, rest, and repeat the same exercise.

2.     You do circuit training. In other words, you do one exercise, then move on to the next, and so on. Once you’re done all the exercises you had, you repeat the entire sequence.

But there is one other way of training. It’s called “supersets.” Supersets are when you perform 2 exercises for opposing muscle groups back to back. A classic example might be to do an exercise for the chest, followed by an exercise for the back.

One major advantage of supersets is that you can get a lot more done , compared to straight sets. Think about it this way: you do your exercise for the chest (like pushups), and the more repetitions you do, the more tired you get. So you have to rest long enough for your chest muscles to recover before you can do that exercise again. So while your chest is resting, why not do an exercise for a muscle group that is fresh? Because when you’re working the fresh muscle group, the chest gets a chance to rest.

When you pair up exercises to work opposing muscle groups, you take it a step beyond. You see, muscles naturally work in opposites. When one shortens, the muscle on the opposite side lengthens. Flex your biceps, and your triceps lengthens. Flex your triceps and your biceps lengthens (by the way, a technical, geeky note: the words “bicep” and “tricep” do not exist. There is always an ‘s’ at the end. Always. Even if you’re referring to just one arm.)

The major advantage of this is by working opposing muscle groups, they recover faster than if you were simply resting. For instance, working biceps, and then triceps will help the biceps recover faster than if you were just working biceps and then resting.

The same applies everywhere else in the body.

So if you want to get a lot more done in the time that you have (thereby really speeding up your metabolism), give supersets a try. If you want specific exercises to use, you can get my seminar, Strength Training for Beginners.

Quick Summary 

3 of the most common ways of organizing your workouts are:

  • Straight sets. In other words, you do an exercise, rest, and repeat the same exercise.
  • Circuit training. In other words, you do one exercise, then move on to the next, and so on. Once you’re done all the exercises you had, you repeat the entire sequence.
  • Supersets. Supersets are when you perform 2 exercises for opposing muscle groups back to back.

The major advantages of supersets are:

  • You can get more done in the same amount of time
  • You speed up recovery

MIKEY AEDs in City of Kawartha LakesWe’ve received word that a MIKEY (defibrillator) was used to save the life of a Kawartha Lakes man on October 28, 2013.  This is the seventeenth life saved by a MIKEY!

The MIKEY was located in a doctors office, which is part of the City of Kawartha Lakes Family Health Team.  A doctor at the clinic used the AED, which after the first shock, was successful in getting the patients heart beating again.  The patient was then brought to the hospital for further treatment.

The City of Kawartha Lakes announced last year that all high risk public buildings in the city have been equipped with public access defibrillators (which we call MIKEYs).

Having a MIKEY available gave this man a second chance at life.  This is another example of why having an AED available in the first minutes of a cardiac emergency is so important. If we have our way, MIKEYs will be as common as fire extinguishers in public places.


Meaford and District Fire Department Get MIKEYs (defibrillators)Meaford, Ontario, is a safer place now that the Meaford and District Fire Department have two new MIKEYs. Rapid defibrillation is the single most important factor affecting survival from Sudden Cardiac Arrest in adults and if defibrillated within the first minute of collapse, the victim’s chances for survival are close to 90 percent.

The team was kind enough to send us this picture posing with one of their new defibrillators. Looking good, guys!



This week’s Fitness Post is brought to you by personal trainer Igor Klibanov from Fitness Solutions Plus.

Everyone wants a fast metabolism, and for good reason. A fast metabolism gives you lots of energy, and the ability to eat “bad” foods without paying the price (immediately, anyway).

But let me correct you. You don’t want a super-fast metabolism. You want an optimal metabolism. There is such a thing as too fast, and if your metabolism is too fast, yes, you burn fat, but you also burn muscle (or have a very hard time building muscle) and bone. Not ideal effects.

Another half myth is that your metabolism slows down as you age. I say “half myth” because people seriously overestimate how much their metabolism slows down as they age. If you’re 50 years old and have more fat than you did at 20 is it because you’re 30 years older? Or is it because when you were 20, you used to play basketball 2 hours a day? Or think back to when you were 10 years old. Do you have more fat now than you did back then because you’re older or because you used to play tag during recess?

Sure, there’s no question that metabolism slows down as you age, but the amount that it slows down due to aging is much smaller than you think. That’s both good and bad news. The good news is that your metabolism is almost completely within your control. The bad news is that now you can’t use age as an excuse for the excess body fat you’re carrying.

But anyways, that’s just a bit of a rant.

How do you speed up your metabolism?

To answer that question, let’s look at what makes up your resting metabolic rate (RMR). There are 3 factors:

1.      Thermic effect of feeding. This is basically how many calories you burn just digesting the food that you ate. With fat, you use up 2-3% of the calories you ate to digest and assimilate it. With carbohydrates, you use 5-10% of the calories you ate to digest and assimilate it. With protein, you use 25-30% of the calories you ate to digest and assimilate it.

2.       Physical activity. This can be divided into:

a.       Exercise
b.      Non-exercise physical activity (NEPA).

It’s in the physical activity department where the greatest potential lies in speeding up your metabolism. With exercise, if you are able to put on lean body mass, you will speed up your metabolism. Muscle speeds up your metabolism. And healthy organs speed up your metabolism even more. Remember, the term “lean body mass” doesn’t just mean muscle. It means everything that isn’t fat. That includes your brain, your skin, your liver, your digestive and reproductive organs, etc. By having well-functioning internal organs, your metabolism will naturally speed up (if it’s slow).

NEPA is an interesting one, because there is quite a bit of evidence to suggest that the difference between the naturally thin person and the person struggling. NEPA, as the name implies is everything that isn’t exercise. It’s the fidgeting, chewing the food more, walking around more, tapping your pen/pencil, etc.

Naturally thin people burn as much as 900 calories per day through NEPA alone!

That’s great news for you if you have body fat you’d like to lose. Much of it is within your control.

Short Summary

Metabolism consists of 3 factors:

  • Thermic effect of food
  • Exercise
    • Perform muscle-building exercise to speed up your metabolism.
  • Non-exercise physical activity (NEPA)
    • This may be one of the key differences between naturally thin people and people struggling.
    • NEPA can add up to as much as 900 calories per day!

With a charity casino, live auction and silent auction, our friends at Auto|One Group raised $11,500 for The Mikey Network at their “50 years of James Bond and Porsche” benefit!

The event celebrated the 50th Anniversary of James Bond, so everything was 007 themed.  The entire room was transformed into a casino for the night, complete with poker, blackjack and roulette tables.

There were even iconic Bond-style cars on display, including two Aston Martins, a custom Mercedes C class and a Ferrari F430. A highlight of the night was the martini station, complete with a custom 007 inspired Auto|One ice sculpture that poured out drinks.

We had a wonderful time at the event and loved meeting all our friends, old and new.

Thank you to everyone who came out and generously donated, and huge THANK YOU to The Auto|One Group for their ongoing support of The Mikey Network!