Entries by The Mikey Network

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CPR Training Day at Cardinal Leger SS

Today The Mikey Network was honoured to participate in CPR Training Day at Cardinal Leger SS, in Brampton, ON. Every year, the students at Cardinal Leger receive CPR training from Peel Regional Paramedic Service (PRPS). We think that’s an amazing initiative and when we were invited to participate in this year’s program we jumped at the chance. We’re […]

Toronto East Masons Donate to Place 6 More MIKEYs!

We want to say thank you to the members of the Toronto East District Masons for their generous donations to place more MIKEY defibrillators in our community. To date, they’ve donated a total of $24,000. This has allowed us to place six more MIKEYs since their original donation, bringing the total number of MIKEYs placed […]

Otterburn Fire Department Receives Life-Saving Mikey Unit

The Mikey Network and Canada’s 911 Ride Foundation are honoured to present a lifesaving “MIKEY” defibrillator to the Otterburn Park (Quebec) Fire Department in memory of Ornge First Officer Jacques Dupuy. Accepting are (l to r) Division Chief Steve Cervantes, Fire Chief John Thompson, Jade, Josee, and Gianni Dupuy, and Mayor Jean Marc Fortin. The […]

Young Team Mikey Member Making a Difference

A young member of Team Mikey is looking to make a difference in his community. Daniel Kwon is starting up a First Aid club at his school, to help make students, teachers and staff feel just that much safer. “Last year, my school had to call an ambulance three times in the span of three […]