Serves 4


1 lb.Ground Chicken
1/2 cupBreadcrumbs
1/4 cupParmesan cheese, freshly grated
2 tbsp.Fresh parsley, finely chopped
1 tsp.Oregano, dried
1 tsp.Thyme, dried
1/2 tsp.Salt
3-1 litre boxesLow-sodium chicken broth
2-28 fl. oz. cansTomatoes, diced, with juice from cans
8Carrots, diced
5Potatoes, peeled, diced
2Onions, chopped
4 clovesGarlic, chopped
1 tsp.Oregano, dried
2 tsp.Thyme, dried
4 tsp.Parmesan cheese, freshly grated


  1. Combine the first 7 ingredients in the list very well.
  2. With moistened hands, form 1″ diameter meatballs (chicken).
  3. In a large soup pot/Dutch oven, bring the broth to a boil.
  4. Drop meatballs into the broth and cook at medium high for 5 minutes.
  5. Add tomatoes, their juice, carrots, potatoes, onions, garlic, oregano and thyme.
  6. Lower heat to medium
  7. Simmer, uncovered, breaking up the tomatoes with the back of a spoon.  Simmer for about 45 minutes until meatballs are cooked through and the vegetables are tender.
  8. Season to taste with pepper and try not to use any salt.
  9. Serve in a deep soup bowl (helps keep it nice and hot) and just before serving, sprinkle a teaspoon of the grated cheese on top of each bowl.

Recipes From Our Resident Expert, Marsha Rosen, RD
Here are some heart healthy recipes provided by Marsha Rosen, RD (Registered Dietitian). Marsha is Mike Salem’s sister and in addition to offering private nutrition counselling, Marsha provides group lectures, seminars and cooking demonstrations, and is a sought-after contributor to health-related publications.

If you have nutrition question for our dietician, you can email Marsha here…

Do you have a heart healthy recipe that you would like to share? Send your recipes to

Understanding what types of heart-healthy foods to incorporate into your diet can be a confusing process. There are many articles online stating that certain foods or diet fads can benefit you; but who’s to know what is real and what isn’t? Fortunately for us, our Registered Dietitian, Marsha Rosen, has curated a list of heart-healthy foods that are highly beneficial for your diet.

Your list of foods for a balanced diet should include a variety of choices from all food groups.

Here are some excellent suggestions to begin with and build on.

5 Heart-Healthy Foods

Salmon – Salmon and other fatty fish like mackerel, anchovies, sardines, herring, trout and arctic char; are extremely good for heart health as they contain plenty of omega-3 fats, which can help to lower the risk of heart disease. It’s recommended that you aim to eat at least 2 servings of fish a week.

There are three types of omega-3 fats:

  • ALA (alpha-linolenic acid)
  • EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid)
  • DHA (docosahexaenoic acid)

All three types of omega-3 fats are important to have in your diet.

Other foods that contain omega-3 fats include:

  • Eggs
  • Margarine enriched with the omega-3 fat DHA – made with fish oil
  • Yoghurt – fortified with Omega-3
  • Soy beverage – Omega-3 fortified
  • Soybeans – edamame

Oatmeal – Oatmeal is a high in soluble fibre, which can help to lower cholesterol. It’s recommended that you avoid eating instant oatmeal, as it often will contain sugar, and instead opting for traditional old-fashioned oats.

Berries – Berries such as strawberries and blueberries are believed to carry antioxidants that help to decrease blood pressure and dilate blood vessels. This is attributed to the benefit of compounds known as anthocyanins, and flavonoids.

Potatoes – Although potatoes can be more challenging to your heart healthy dining, if you don’t deep fry them, they can be extremely good for your heart. They’re rich in potassium and high in fibre (if the skin is left on), which again, can help lower blood pressure and the risk of heart disease.

Tomatoes – Similar to potatoes, tomatoes are high in heart-healthy potassium. Plus they’re a good source of the antioxidant lycopene. Lycopene is a carotenoid that may help to get rid of “bad ” cholesterol, keep blood vessels open and lower heart attack risk.

Serves 2


4Skinless, boneless chicken thigh fillets
1Small fresh red chili, deseeded and finely chopped
1Clove garlic, crushed
½ tspDried oregano
1 TspSmoked paprika
3 TspOlive oil
1 TbspFreshly squeezed lemon juice
Freshly GroundBlack pepper (taste)
1Red pepper, deseeded and cut into small chunks
1Red onion, sliced or cut into thin wedges


Score a couple of deep slashes in each chicken thigh using a sharp knife. Combine red chili, garlic (if using), oregano, smoked paprika, 2 teaspoons of the olive oil, the lemon juice and black pepper in a bowl. Add chicken thighs; turn to coat all over. Cover; leave to marinate in a cool place for 30 minutes.

Preheat oven to 350ºF/175ºC. Put red pepper and red onion into a small, non-stick roasting tin; add remaining olive oil and toss to coat. Add chicken thighs to roasting pan, nestling them among vegetables.

Roast in the oven for 30–40 minutes or until chicken is thoroughly cooked (165⁰ F/74⁰ C – internal temperature) and piping hot, stirring vegetables and turning chicken thighs over about halfway through cooking.

Serve immediately with crusty bread or flatbreads and a mixed-leaf salad.

This recipe was found on the British Heart Foundation’s site. We have plenty of heart-healthy recipes, but if you’re looking for more, they’re a great resource. 

Recipes From Our Resident Expert, Marsha Rosen, RD
Here are some heart healthy recipes provided by Marsha Rosen, RD (Registered Dietitian). Marsha is
Mike Salem’s sister and in addition to offering private nutrition counselling, Marsha provides group lectures, seminars and cooking demonstrations.

If you have nutrition question for our dietitian, you can email Marsha here…

Do you have a heart healthy recipe that you would like to share? Send your recipes to

With the summer season upon us, it means that many Canadians will be taking full advantage of the outdoors. Summer allows us to enjoy activities that we wouldn’t normally have the ability to do the rest of the year as the environment is often too cold.

For these reasons, Canadians tend to gravitate towards BBQing and eating outdoors as primary summer activities.

The change in climate doesn’t always provide you with the best benefits though, as foods that you reserve for summer can also bring a lot of risk to your diet. Many of us are prone to gravitating towards less healthy choices that might be higher in fat, such as burgers and hot dogs.

Here are some heart-healthy food ideas for you to consider this summer:

Heart Healthy Meals

Tilapia and Vegetables

Grilled Corn Salsa

Piri Piri Chicken

Bulgur Wheat Salad

Peachy Chicken Salad

Summer Fruit Smoothie Ice Pops

Vanilla Lemon Berry Parfaits

Tart Apple Buttermilk Cake

Recipes From Our Resident Expert, Marsha Rosen, RD
Here are some heart-healthy recipes provided by Marsha Rosen, RD (Registered Dietitian). Marsha is 
Mike Salem’s sister and in addition to offering private nutrition counselling, Marsha provides group lectures, seminars and cooking demonstrations.

If you have a nutrition question for our dietitian, you can email Marsha here…

Do you have a heart-healthy recipe that you would like to share? Send your recipes to

Servings: 32 pieces
Preheat oven to 350º F.


1 1/2 cupswhite sugar
2/3 cupcanola oil
2 tsps.vanilla extract
2 2/3 cupsall-purpose flour
2/3 cupcocoa
2 tsps.baking powder
2 tsps.baking soda
1 tsp.salt
2 cupsboiling water


  1. In a large bowl, beat sugar, oil, eggs, and vanilla for 4 minutes.
  2. In another bowl, sift together, flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.
  3. Add flour mixture alternately with boiling water to the sugar mixture.
  4. Beat well after each addition.
  5. Pour into an oiled and floured 9 x 13 pan.
  6. Bake for 40 minutes or until the cake springs back to the touch.
  7. Yield: 32 pieces (118 calories and 4.5 g fat each)

NOTE: cut pieces smaller for fewer calories and less fat per piece

Recipes From Our Resident Expert, Marsha Rosen, RD
Here are some heart-healthy recipes provided by Marsha Rosen, RD (Registered Dietitian). Marsha is Mike Salem’s sister and in addition to offering private nutrition counseling, Marsha provides group lectures, seminars, and cooking demonstrations, and is a sought-after contributor to health-related publications.

If you have a nutrition question for our dietician, you can email Marsha here…

Do you have a heart-healthy recipe that you would like to share? Send your recipes to